Programme / Maritime Energy Transition in the Nordics (Project MAREN) ​
14:00 – 15:00​
Programme / Maritime Energy Transition in the Nordics (Project MAREN) ​

May 15th

14:00 – 15:00​

Maritime Energy Transition in the Nordics (Project MAREN) ​

May 15th

Maritime Energy Transition in the Nordics (Project MAREN) ​

Andreas Bach, Director Maritime Systems Innovation RISE, Manager Swedish Maritime Technology Forum
Andreas has long experience of the maritime industry and has been working in the field of maritime energy transition for the last 10 years. Mainly focusing on energy efficiency, new energy carriers and ports as energy hubs.

MAREN – Possibilities and challenges in maritime energy transition
Frederik H. Milling, Head of Naval Industry Affairs, Danish Maritime
Frederik has some years of experience in the maritime industry and has contributed to initiatives within the maritime energy transition but have primarily worked with the naval sector.

Linda Cathrine Hald, Senior EU advisor, RENERGY Cluster
The Norwegian Renewable Energy Cluster RENERGY is involved in several innovative projects for zero-emission solutions within the maritime sector. The clusters value chain approach connects the energy sector with the maritime sector, realising some of the first zero emission pilots at harbours and vessels. 

Lasse Pohjala, Senior Business Advisor, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK / EnergyVaasa
VASEK is a part of EnergyVaasa, energy technology cluster. EnergyVaasa is a hub of 180 companies aiming for high-tech solutions. They see the importance of R&D and invest in it. 90 % of Finlands R&D work within electricity and automation happens here in Vaasa. 
 As a business advisor at VASEK, Lasse takes care of networking in the Nordics, bringing not only the leading technology companies but even the SMEs in Vaasa to join the Scandinavian co-operation for sustainable future technology.

Project Nordic Roadmap
Kristina Kern-Nielsen, Environmental Consultant, Litehauz ApS
The Nordic Roadmap project charts a comprehensive course for the transition to sustainable carbon-neutral fuels across the Nordic region. The project facilitates knowledge sharing, alongside the launch of pilot projects and studies that will build experience in new fuels and establish green shipping corridors

Wind powered Ships
Sofia Werner, Lead Researcher Wind Powered Ships, Ph.D. (Naval Arch.), RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Wind Propulsion for Ships – possibilities and pitfalls of an emerging technology


Andreas Bach

Director Maritime Systems Innovation RISE, Manager Swedish Maritime Technology Forum

Frederik H. Milling

Head of Naval Industry Affairs, Danish Maritime

Linda Cathrine Hald

Senior EU advisor, RENERGY Cluster

Lasse Pohjala

Senior Business Advisor, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK / EnergyVaasa

Kristina Kern-Nielsen

Environmental Consultant, Litehauz ApS

Sofia Werner

Lead Researcher Wind Powered Ships, Ph.D. (Naval Arch.), RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

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